Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Return of the Eggs

Chickens and I have not always gotten along. They have should I say this...un-cultured aspects. They lack manners. (Translation: They poop on my sidewalk.) They are smart enough to know where the Humans leave the house- those Humans that bring food and water, and well, when they are lacking (or feel that they are lacking) in either area, they will come and wait for me At The Front Door.
Hence, the sidewalk *mess*.
There are, however, some really great things about chickens. Bug control, for instance. While they are doing all of their scratching and walking about they are also eating any teensy cricket they can find. They will come and clean between my garden rows and even make a (small) dent in the mosquito population. For their bug-decimation abilities alone, chickens are worth the hassle of a messy sidewalk here and there.
But the other reason I love chickens is for the eggs. Free range eggs are so good for you, and there is something wonderful about having an unlimited supply right outside your back door. I haven't always been so thankful for those eggs- in fact there have been times I have been downright overwhelmed with them...but I'm learning.
Every year around late fall, the chickens stop laying. The days get shorter and colder and they go into "molt" and for two or three months we feed chickens day in and day out and there are no eggs to show gratitude.
It feels...just...wrong to buy eggs when you have chickens right outside your back door. It feels weird to ration eggs- to debate whether or not to have scrambled eggs in the morning because you would also like to make cookies in the afternoon! Strange, I tell you!
So when our chickens started laying again this week, I did a little hop-skip-jump. It's so nice to have farm-fresh eggs here once again...and to lighten up on the rationing.
Because there are some days that I need cookies AND cake.


Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...


I dream of the day when we'll have a few chickens of our own for such said - eggs on demand.

Stephanie said...

Do you need egg cartons again? I have plenty if you need some! Maybe I can talk DH into egg laying chickens....hmmmm....

Tracy said...

Stephanie- of all people you guys need layers...just sayin =) But no, I have about 30 egg cartons (and I might have more than that!) because they stopped laying for so long! I'm sure Jessica would like some though!
Bevy- they don't take up much space- but like I said...there are *ahem* drawbacks at times =)