Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dreaming of Spring

This has been the view from our front window for a number of months now. Needless to say, we are ready for spring. Really ready. So, the other night we decided to have a spring-themed family night.

David helped me mix up the dirt cake batter. We may or may not have tasted some.
Ryan had the honor of serving the dirt cake...note the lack of flowers. That's because this is a spring party, not a summer party...there is just bare dirt in spring. At least that is how I justify my lack of frilly-ness for this event. There were, however lots of worms. And I learned two things that night about eating gummy worm cake with boys.
First, if they are little boys, they need gummy-grubs. Worms are too easy to slurp up quickly and choke on. Cut those worms into fourths and call them grubs. Just as yummy and not so dangerous.
Second, if they are older boys, avoid letting them see you cut the worms into grubs. Because they may just start talking about how real worms bleed when you tear them in two. Your husband might join in when he sees you turn green, talking about how slimy and gooey they are. They may banter back and forth, father and son, tormenting you with gross boy talk. And then you may not want to finish any of your own dirt cake.
After we finished eating, we played a game of Memory. I printed out two matching pictures of different fruits and vegetables from Henry Field's online seed catalog, then cut and pasted them onto some colored paper. Then, I sandwiched the cards between clear contact paper to make them kid-friendly and a bit more durable.We had a blast with this! Even David got in on the fun. Games with kids this age can be a little tough- they are just learning how to take turns, be patient, not knock over the playing pieces, etc. Something this simple challenged both our boys while still being really enjoyable for mom and dad.
We were planning on more spring stuff that night...I had visions of actually pulling out the suntan lotion and a picnic blanket for dinner, maybe even playing some beach boys...but that morning we were surprised with our first two lambs of the season. So, we ended up having to do quite a bit of work in the machine shed for the little ones, making the time we had for our family night a bit shorter. Although, being boys...I am sure they had nearly as much fun playing in the machine shed: moving wood in their wheelbarrow, jumping on hay bales, and seeing new baby lambs as they would have at mom's fake picnic.
However, if this lingers much longer, I can't be held accountable for any sand I import from faraway lands to make castles in my living room.


Mom J said...

What a fun, creative evening! Love the pictures of your adorable boys (and I'm not one bit prejudice!) Love you all!

Mom G said...

We can supply the shells, some pretty rocks and a couple of small pinecones! Dad's still "airing" the shells that the boys picked up on our trip out to the islands with you all. They were beyond s-t-i-n-k-y!!! They've been sitting in soda for more than a month now. Make sure and tell the boys that we haven't forgot about them! Great pictures and what a great memory night.

Stephanie said...

I am so inspired! Maybe we will have to do something like that...Austin loves dirt cake! :-)

Thanks for sharing your spring party!

Michael / Tifani said...

Mmmmm... dirt cake. Do they sell gummy lady bugs? They might be easier to swallow. :)

Baby lamb pictures! Baby lamb pictures! When the ground thaws, you should take a few photos of your boys with the baby lambs outside for an Easter picture. If you have any baby chicks at that point, even better!

Amanda Palmer said...

I love this - love the cake and advice, love the memory game and your creative homemade envisioning boys playing in the machine shed...I don't think I've ever been in a machine shed. Thank you Tracy :c)

Krissy said...

Ok, now I want to come and play with you.I love all of your ideas!