Saturday, February 20, 2010

Early Morning Conversations with Ryan

7:30 Saturday morning
Ryan: Good MOOORNING! It's time to wake up. You can't just sleep the whole day away.
Me: But I'm tired.
Ryan: Sorry. You can't sleep anymore. It's morning time.
Me: But I want to sleep just a bit more.
Ryan:Would you get up and make us a little snack? Then you can go lay downstairs or something.
Me, (laying down and feigning exhaustion.)
Ryan: (Leaps up on the bed) Mom! It's halfway through the morning. It's Time. To. Wake.Up.
He then proceeds to tie open our curtains, and I think of all those mornings taunting my sister in the same manner. Or my parents, for that matter.
Me, trying to fasten Ryan's pants that are getting just a bit too tight: Ryan! These are getting too small! We are going to have to get you some new pants aren't we?
Ryan, beaming: Yep!
Me: Who told you that you could grow so much? I think you are getting too big.
Ryan, in a sing-song taunt: You and dad fed me, and I GREW!
Ryan: Do you see how old I am mom? Soon I'm going to be five.
Me: I know!
Ryan: Yep! Five then six then seventy!
Me: It will probably feel that fast at times.


Amanda Palmer said...

Oh thank you for giving me those happy smiles I got reading each of those glimpses into your lives!

Mom J said...

I could teach Ryan the "Good Morning" song...just to give him some variety in the mornings. ;-)

He is such a wise little guy!

Tracy said...

Mom, I should also note that it is *only* on Saturday mornings that he even has a chance of beating us out of bed in the morning. I think he thought it was so rare that we needed some scolding on account of our laziness! And, I rarely use the good morning song on him...alrhough I might start. I mostly reserve that for my sister =)

Michael / Tifani said...

I can almost here Ryan saying the line about you and Phil feeding him and him growing, as if he had really pulled a fast one on you. That is so funny! I hope that you print some of these blog pages to save for Ryan and David as they get older. They will just love to hear these stories over and over as they grow up.

Krissy said...

Do you know how much I dread your wake up calls (when you start them with the "good Morning" song) even though I ask for them and need them? It is almost painful, but it really works. :)

Have I mentioned how much I love that kid?