Friday, February 19, 2010

Pink and Blue

It’s funny what you get used to.
Before I had kids, all I knew was girls. Besides being one, they are all I ever babysat. We didn’t know a lot of other boys until we were far past the tiny-tractor stage. When I found out our first was to be a son, I was overwhelmed at the thought because of this stage- the rough and tumble and wrestling and go go go energy...
And of course they are all of that, both boys.
Case in point:

Yesterday as I was making dinner they de-cushioned the couch and chairs to build a fort. David came and offered me an imaginary snake from his hands with such a delightful smile that I just had to take it from him and squeal. Later they turned off all the lights and crept through the doorways hunting for monsters (David was looking for "mosters," but he crouched down and kept up with that big brother of his). Of course they needed swords for their expedition into the unknown (colanders and bowls provide needed head-protection).
And when they went up to their room in a post-dinner tornado they dismantled their train track and re-engineered one that looped under beds and around tables and through tunnels.
And then big brother redecorated his shelf...
...mostly to see his mother squirm, I am positive.
It's comic, almost; that this was the stage I was so nervous about. And of course they are rough and tumble and go go go and mud-covered and bug-loving and lincoln-log constructing. How could life be any other way?
I had another ultrasound yesterday, my second for this little one. She's 28 weeks old and the technician confirmed once again that baby is, in fact, a girl. She even sent me home with a little picture that had the tiny words "girl parts" typed out. It makes me snicker...usually doctors are so technical with their descriptions.
And I wonder what she will do in a world of tractors and trains and worms. What will we do in a world of dolls and tea parties?
I'll have to get a pink colander so she can hunt those monsters like a lady.


Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

I have a son and a daughter - I don't want her to be a tomboy like my hubby would be cool with and even tries to "insist" to others.

And at times she is...she loves the big wheel and she makes the coolest tractor/car/train sounds right along with big brother and can take him down as quick as any other, in a full tackle.

But what warms my heart - is when I find her off playing by herself with her two dolls and Cinderella tea set. I've found her playing with purses and shoes... She's one and a half. Now! If she'll only keep barrettes in her hair. It sure is one challenge.

Stephanie said...

It is amazing the "worries" we have as parents. I wonder what I will do if this is 1 boy, let alone 2 boys. I would be perfectly content with 2 girls. Afraid of change, no....just like what I am comfortable with.

God will help you to parent your precious daughter just as He has guided you with your 2 sons.

You can "borrow" my 2 girls anytime you need a girl fix (or preparation) if I can "borrow" your 2 boys??? You can do it and will do it!

So excited for you! Will keep praying!

Amanda Palmer said...

Tracy, I'm so excited for you - Kris will have a LOT of advice about raising a girl, and I bet that your boys will be so great to their little baby. Yesterday, Henry was trying to take a nap, and Joshua was sitting on the floor in the kitchen, in front of the fridge...moving his magnets around. He looked up and me and said, "Mama, why is my baby crying?" They don't really play together yet, but there is love there.

Tracy said...

One of my friends pointed out that as girls, we spend time running from the monsters...not hunting the monsters. SO TRUE.
Bevy, my sister sent me a strip of barrettes when we first found out we were having a girl. They are tiny and beautiful and I can't imagine not losing all of them within a month. But I love them nonetheless, and hope she will keep them in, too!
Manda, as those boys get older it is so sweet to see their connection to each other. I took David alone to the store yesterday and by the time we were ready to go he was asking "Where my Ryan mom?" I love it when they get possessive! =)

Michael / Tifani said...

I am SO excited you are having a girl. She will be your little farm princess, and I can just picture Ryan stepping easily into the protective-big-brother role. What a blessing!

Krissy said...

Don't you worry a bit, I have all the things you need to have a girlie girl and all the advice in the world for you. Phil has a shot gun so you are 1/4 of the way there! :) Oh and everywhere I go I fine more and more cute things for her. I just can't stop myself! I can't wait to see her. Umm....can we get a belly picture?

Becky Janeczko said...

"And I wonder what she will do in a world of tractors and trains and worms. What will we do in a world of dolls and tea parties?"

I survived! :) It helped to have wonderful female friends who were like sisters to me :)