Monday, July 05, 2010

Anna Marie

Nothing eloquent by way of commentary just yet...but I couldn't help but share a bit of our sweet girl with you. She turned 2 months old yesterday. What a joy!


Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

Oh my goodness!! Two months old already?? I'm sure you've been one busy little mamma, and that you're boys are big helpers. ;)
((for some reason, I can't veiw the video -something on my end))

Congratulations!! to all of you... and I hope you continue to enjoy your summer "Out in the stalks"...with your precious family.

Stephanie said...

Absoultely adorable! Thanks for posting! Aren't girls so much fun! I miss my little baby girls - they are getting too big too fast! Maybe we will be blessed with another one in 6 weeks?!?

Mom G. said...

Oh Tracy - such a doll. I love to listen to them when they start to coo and "talk" to you. Thank you for posting. Love You All, Mom G.

Tifani said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet! She is adorable, Tracy. The smiles are addictive.

Amanda Palmer said...

awww...thanks for posting this! Love you cuz...and your BIG family :c)

Anonymous said...

What an adorable, happy little girl! Thanks for sharing the video - I've watched it many times since you posted, and it always makes me smile. Love you all!
Mom J

Shandra said...

Beautiful girl

Sonja said...

Thank you for sharing! Anna is so sweet and adorable. Two months already - wow! How we miss you guys - give your kids a hug from us.