Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Family Photo

I have come to believe that it is nearly impossible to take a perfect family photo at this stage. Someone is always sticking out their tongue, frowning, or showing off their best dance moves. Or crying, of course, we can't leave that one out.
And the kids don't always cooperate, either.
Just kidding.
So I wanted to share some family photos...

See how calm and innocent they appear to be? (bribed by Jelly Bellies)
Mostly, though, you have one adorable smile that can be cropped from the craziness. Because while I would like to believe that our family is mostly like this:

This may be a closer representation

So, instead, I catch sweet moments where I can.

And there is no shortage of those.


Judy said...

LOVE all the pics. The 'good' family picture is awesome. That baby girl is a heart breaker. Thanks for sharing.

Michael / Tifani said...

Oh my word.. I LOVE these photos! What a sweet family you are blessed with! And boys will be boys.. :)

Amanda Palmer said...

Love love love the pictures!!! Thanks so much for posting them :c) Love and miss you very much.

Sydney said...

Tracy, these pictures are priceless. LOVE them all. So much personality in each of them. Thank you for sharing them! Happy tears here in Idaho, from loving you all.

Mom G said...

Oh Tracy, the pictures are priceless. Those expressions. . . such sweethearts! Can't wait to get back and do some lovin' on the 3some.

Shandra said...

Love the pictures! Your family is so cute and I love how you captured the "posed" and "normal" of you guys!