Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Making of Memories

This morning Phil stated looking back at some of our old posts here. Oh, the trips down memory lane! Though I have always used this blog as a way to connect with people back in Washington, the secondary reasons of chronicling our lives here has always been a side-benefit I could look forward to.
But what a journey to recall where we have been. We read this, which was my first post on this blog. And marvelled at this, our three year old back when he was only one. We remembered crock-pot eating for three months and total room transformations. Traveling down memory lane we laughed at Millie, our large, bossy two year old sheep when she was just a bottle lamb. All this and we were just scratching the surface.
This three year journey has been a wild one. And, truly, continues to be. What a gift to look back and reminisce. And, what encouragement to continue writing about this journey.


Krissy said...

I can't wait to see where the journey takes all of you. I love reading about your lives and experiences on here. Please please please keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Tracy - I think far too little is said about the "journey of life" and way too much is made of the destination. We spend most of our lives truly on the journey and it's what makes us into who we are.