Thursday, March 23, 2006

Little man pictures

This is a picture of Ryan with his Grandma Grossmann.
What posting is complete without a few pictures of Ryan? He is quite the little reader...and sometimes he even looks at the book rightside up! I bet you can't read upside down!


Mandapanda said...

Hey Tracy! I don't know if you allow comments on your blog, but I thought I'd try! Mom sent me the link. Ryan is soooo cute! We miss you guys, but it looks like you're doing a lot of great things, and while it's a challenge, I think it will be worth it for you! I love you and hope to hear from you soon :c)

Mandapanda said...

P.S. my email is first initial of first name, then all of my last name (I'd write it...but I think everyone in the world can look at most blogs) Love you!

Tracy said...

Thanks, Amanda! I miss you a ton too. I am really glad you got a chance to check out the blog. Feel free to leave any comments- I love to know that people are reading and being a part of our adventure!