Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oh the tangled webs we weave

With my mother and father in law back to stay with us for two weeks, we thought it would be great to have them help us with a few projects. We have finally finished painting the kitchen, which was started the week we moved in, and have almost completed sanding the floors. We are working on patching a few rooms upstairs, painting, pulling carpet, etc. While this is going on, we are placing our order tonight for our first garden. Oh yes, and the most important piece of the puzzle is that Ryan is turning ONE this week! Big kid!

I don't know why we think we can do everything...but I just don't see any other way. It seems every project we start needs to be tripled in both time and money invested. I think I am being taught patience and perseverence, personally! However, we do have small wins along the way. For example, since we moved in, we have re-done the plumbing the main floor, installed a new water heater, hooked up a new washer and dryer, taken up carpet and painted four rooms downstairs (living room, dining room, den, and front room), among a few other projects here and there. I think we can get so caught up in "now" that we forget that we are just simply on a long road.

But, looking to the next few weeks, until we get that garden planted, it is going to be a challenge! We need to get some special attachment so that the plow will work on Phil's tractor, and we won't be turning any ground until that is running. Then once you start turning ground, I think it is still quite a bit of work to smooth and prep it all. I am so looking forward to spring, though!

That tractor has turned out to be a wonderful purchase! It mows through our long, matted grass and turns it into short, manageable grass! Between that and burning off patches of grass, I can start to dream about what it will look like planted and pretty! With the wide mower deck on the tractor, he drives that thing around mowing like it's nothing. And being so old we don't really have to worry about beating it up. It does need some tune up work, but I think it will work for what we need it to do this year.

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