Thursday, March 23, 2006

What's cookin?

I thought I would post some pictures of our kitchen remodel. We aren't finished yet, but you can get a rough idea of where we are so far. This is what the kitchen looked like when we first moved in. There was really no room to move because there was a huge island in the middle of the room, mostly blocking one door. Everything was green, and those cabinets you see are all metal. The woman in the picture is our real estate agent.

So, we decided that this kitchen just wasn't going to work for us. We decided to take everything out of it. The big box in the middle is our old dishwasher, and the walls are of cement and stone. You can kind of make out the old carpeting - must have been about a 1970 style, or earlier. To do the floors we ended up taking up the carpet, and then scraping up some linoleum that was underneath.

This is what our kitchen looked like a few days ago. We had put up the wainscoting, and all of the flooring is up. We debated painting the floors, but after sanding a bit of the floor, decided to try and see what it would be like if we just finished the floors. I am nervous about upkeep, but Phil assures me that the finish he got is very good. We are going to put many coats on to seal the floor.

So this is where we are now. We have not stained the floors, but the walls are done, and the floor is mostly sanded. We added a fan light fixture to help move air in the summer (and because the old one was terrible!I am so excited with how it is coming out! What a long road, though. My new stove is sitting in the breezeway, waiting for a new room. Hopefully by Ryan's birthday I can bake a cake in it! (There I go again with my lofty goals! Ha!)

UPDATE! We have added curtains (thanks Calli/Mom), stained floors, and we have a WORKING STOVE (thanks Dad/Ken)!!!! Life is good!

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