Thursday, March 30, 2006

Birthday Boy!

On Monday we celebrated Ryan's FIRST birthday! What a big kid he is becoming! Tip for first-time first-birthdayers: Remember to buy batteries for your digital camera, and learn how to use any recording equipment BEFORE the time you actually need to use it. Ha. Anyway, we had the old "film" standby, which is how we got these images. Also, try having the "party" before the baby's bedtime, they will be a little more tolerant =)

Like most kids, he was much more interested in the wrapping and the string than he was in opening the gifts. However, once we got those toys unwrapped, it was all we could do to get them away from him to get them out of the packaging! See below, Ryan is actually climbing on Phil's feet to try and wrestle for the present!

He has never had cake before, but he certainly was excited to get some...hmm...Phil?

Since we still didn't have an oven, I ended up going over to our Pastor's house to bake a cake (hey, I couldn't just buy one for my little guy!) So, it's not fancy but at least Mom made it!

It did not take long to make a big dent in that cake. He ate about half before calling it quits. It was a great day, except for the whole bit about not capturing it on one of the many sources of media I had at my disposal. Ryan got a lot of wonderful outdoor toys (even a gardening kit and a sandbox!) for this summer. We had a pre-birthday party with our Uncles/Aunts and Grandparents from Iowa. It was really nice getting to see everyone and celebrate with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryan is the cutest birthday boy ever!! Ryan, will you share your cake with Auntie Tifani? We can't wait to see you soon!!