Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ryan takes his lamb feeding very seriously. He always carries the bottle all the way to the machine shed, and holds it for her while she drinks. It's definitely the highlight of his morning.

My morning entourage - before everyone has been fed. From then on there are more exciting things to follow.


Sonja said...

Tracy that is just precious!

All the ladies in my office are quite taken by Mr. Ryan.

Tifani said...

These are the cutest pictures ever!!! It makes my heart smile! Farmer Ryan, you are such a little man. :)

Emily said...

I love the picture of your entourage! Millie, Ryan and chickens all in line... I decided to start calling her Millie whether you decided on the name or not. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've never really wanted to be a farmer but your storytelling sure is invinting, and cute farm animals are enticing too... Have you thought of calling your lamb Mary - or is that too obvious? (yes i know Mary was not the lamb's name but the association is there and we know do it followed her everywhere...)
Your hens look great, maybe eggs in August? Have you encountered hens in your garden yet? They do love to eat seeds... which is great weed control but not so good if you are planting. May I suggest keeping them out of your planting beds (or you'll have nothing).
I use chicken wire staked around the bed I am trying to protect. My sister claims that you can lay deer netting down on the ground and that will keep them out too - apparently they don't like the feel of it on their feet.
Best to you - and thanks for sharing your experiences.
PS. late last year I noticed I didn't have any slugs in the back yard... then i figured it out, chickens eat slugs!!! Do you have slugs in Iowa? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my we have one of the most precious grandsons in all the world or what? I LOVED the pictures Tracy!!!!! Love you 3+

Tracy said...

Thanks for commenting, and sorry it took me so long to respond! So far, the animals stay out of the garden unless there are people in the garden and they have not been fed- then they hunt us down. Thankfully I don't think they know the yummy treats that await them out there. We have been letting the sheep roam freely and they are good to stay on the grass areas, as well.

Soon (very, very soon) we need to fence in both the garden and my raspberry beds. I would be crushed if they got into these areas!

We don't get a lot of slugs out here- just lots of bugs late in the summer. Also, deer and small little ground squirrels have a lot of fun in growing gardens. They wreak havoc once they get out of control, so hopefully we can keep them to a minimum this year (ha!).