Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pack your bags

T: So...Jerry called.
P: REALLY???!! What did he say???
T:Not much, really.
T: That he may or may not have a lamb that needs a home.
P: Really? Woo Hoo! Which is it? Does he have a lamb?
T: Um...why?
P: Yes or no!
T: We don't really need a lamb.
P: Yes we do! You don't understand the irony of it all!
T: ?
P: Last week I was talking Tycen. He said that if only we had a lamb, Sonja would probably be packing their bags to move out here. AND NOW we will have a LAMB!
T: Um, I don't really think he meant that was actually the tipping point...


Sonja said...

T: Haha! Check out Phil and Tracy's new post.
S: What does it say?
T: *reads the post*
S: Well, we meet with the realtor on Monday.

Tifani said...

Tif (to computer/blog/virtual friends): Excuse me! Excuse me!
Tif waves arms wildly
Tif: Over here! Yeah you, friends, Iowa doesn't really need any more of you. Plus, that whole lamb thing is over rated. We have, um... apple crisp! and.. paved streets!
Tif takes a bit of lamb chop and finishes her internal monologue

Tracy said...

T: You gotta take that apple crisp thing pretty seriously, guys- that and peaches (mmmmm...Eastern Wa peaches and pears...)

Tracy said...

T: I wonder what animal we would need to get Tif's bags packed...
T: (thinking)
T: If only there was a type of cow that would make starbucks drinks instead of milk ("Good morning, Bossy! I need a grande nonfat white chocolate mocha")That would do it I bet.

Tifani said...

In addition to the non-fat, white-chocolate-mocha-making cow, of you could also arrange to have an italian-food-making horse named Ernesto, count me in!

Tycen said...

T: If you get a cow that does that and instead of cow droppings it dumps out apple crisp - forget bag packing - we're on our way.
T: "Thanks Bossy! *drops tip in tip jar*

Tifani said...

I was thinking Bossy "makes" the drinks, not produces them. Yikes!