Monday, December 29, 2008

Moments in the Chaos

The morning air has been pierced with wails. Not enough milk. He's nor sharing. I want this not that. Why can't I eat crayons?Italic Fists clenched and jaw set there is no debating his thoughts on these matters.
My nerves twinge with over stimulation and I scoop him up and pull him close. We head upstairs to the boy's bedroom where older brother has been playing quietly.
It's naptime, I singsong, intentionally sweet, for it has been a rough few hours. Older brother nods and is generous with hugs and kisses and "goodnight" and "we'll see you in a little while" and "sleep well". In a rush of words he leaves and the room echoes quiet. I take that small bear of David's and hold him up. A smile creeps up and he sighs contentedly, wrapping his arm tightly around the furry bear-neck. He cuddles down under the warm blanket I have wrapped around him and we rock...quiet, silent, listening to small breaths and letting that sweet peace come over us both. What a gift, this silence following such strife.
A low rumble outside pulls and makes my heart leap- who is it coming down that road of ours? I lay down child, still awake but calm and ready to fall asleep, and head to search windows.
No one.
Immediately I am sad I put him down, for all of the busy-ness of a one-point-five-year old those times to simply sit and wonder at the beauty of him are so fleeting and small. These gifts, this enormous gift of precious child and smaller gift of the moment to cherish him, are both profound and simple.
While we are called to rush about and do more and more, there is that small (sometimes loud) voice calling us to slow, to enjoy, to simply be, experiencing His grace, His love, His peace once more.
Blessings to you - may you savor the simple that surrounds you today.


Andrea said...

Hi, there. Thanks so much for your comment on my blog regarding the mother letter project. I appreciated it.

Andrea said...

Oh, I meant to also say, you have a beautiful life!

Anonymous said...

We all need to savor these special moments, be it with a baby, spouse, elderly pet, or a beautiful sunrise or sunset. It's so easy to get caught up in living that we fail to see the beauty all around us. Thank you for the reminder!!
Love you all, and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Oh how my heart yearns for simplicity, order, for the contentment of "all is well in my soul". It is in my control isn't it? It's simply matching my pace to God's and using all of the sences that He's given me to truly feel & experience life.
Thank You for the nudge!