Saturday, October 07, 2006

The wind and I

Do I ever mention how much I adore you, you (sometimes anonymous) blog readers? Normally, I would have allowed myself to be inside on a day like today- a day that is warm but extremely windy. Instead, I climbed up to the second story on a ladder and hung on for dear life as I painted the trim of my house a chocolaty brown.

The day started just fine- the wind and I were getting along quite well –me with my procrastination on finishing the house painting and the wind practicing for its winter performance.

But then, I changed the game. I decided that if I were going to post a blog about how my mom and dad in law helped me to paint my house and make it very beautiful, I should have some pictures to go along with it. And, in order to have pictures, the painting should be complete. So I decided to defy my procrastinating nature and brave the wind. As I climbed up the ladder, the wind decided it was unhappy with my decision and tried with all of its might to take me (by force, if necessary) from my painting goals. I stood firm, clinging to the shivering ladder and holding fast to my paintbrush.

Not to be outdone, the wind rolled over the fields, delighted to gain speed unabated. With no houses or trees or skyscrapers to slow it down, it rushed along at a respectable 340 miles per hour (give or take).

Two hours in I decided I needed a break from the battle. As I sat down we heard a thud out the window. Upon peeking out I discovered that the wind had won the battle against the ladder. A really big, heavy ladder.

Fine, I said resignedly to the wind, have your fun. You win. I wasn’t really trying anyway. But rest assured, when you need a break from the battle…I will scamper out there and finish that painting. I have a blog to write!


Anonymous said...

You are CRAAAZY! I hate tall ladders even without the wind. Be careful! I would rather have a whole Tracy then a whole painted house picture!!

Anonymous said...

And the mother-in-law Tifani's comment.