Wednesday, October 18, 2006

On why I love being a mom

So, our guests went home. And the house is quiet.
The clouds came the same day everyone went home, and they have stayed.
Rain, of course, has also made inconsistent appearances.
And, it's cold.
The sun is hidden and the drearyness of the past few days begins to echo in me.

To combat the quiet, I numbly turn on the radio, the music doing little to lift my spirits. I return to my office, read email, and then decide there is little else to keep me from attacking my housework. I close down the computer and amble on out to the living room.

Ryan, unaffected by the drearyness outside, is standing in the middle of the room, bending his knees and stomping is feet rythmically to the music - all alone. He does a spin and laughs at himself. Then he spots me and gives a little squeal, and stomps his feet faster. I can't help but feel lifted up, and I start to dance with him, both of us off- beat, both of us enjoying the hilarity of watching eachother dance. He squats and wiggles and spins, laughing. The music seems louder and more upbeat. They day seems brighter already, and can't help but be thankful that I am a mom.

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