Sunday, October 22, 2006


Our friends Chuck and Amanda have two boys- a three and a half year old named Parker and three month old Benjamin. They are a wonderful family and just happen to be our Pastor and wife.

Ryan enjoys playing with Parker so much that as we are pulling up to his house, Ryan starts to squeal and bounce his legs up and down as if that will make the car go faster (a la Flinstone). Upon arrival and being freed from his restrictive carseat, he doesn't so much as give me a backward glance as he runs up the hill toward his chum.

Amanda told me a story about Parker the other day that I just had to share. She went in to wake him up one morning, and he gave her an excited smile.

"I had a GREAT dream last night, Mom!"
"Really? What was it about?"
"I was in my bed, and there was a MONSTER right outside my window!"
"Oh my..."
(Using his hands for emphasis)"And then I got up opened the window and I could see its EYES!"
"And this was a good dream?"
"You should tell Dad that dream..."
"No, it would probably just scare him."

So later Amanda walked downstairs and asked her husband if he had heard Parker's dream. "No, he said I would be too scared and wouldn't tell me."


Anonymous said...

How cute! Does this mean that, to Parker at least, Moms are braver than Dads? Or just when it comes to monsters?

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. Tell Chuck and Amanda "hi" for us!

Emily said...

That's really funny! You should get a picture up at some point of all three of the boys together. Sounds like they're good friends.