Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Effects of Procrastination

Comment from mother-in-law on previous post regarding sinkroom light:

And I hate to be the one that says this, but I "think" Uncle Bob left the
lightbulb out because he wanted Phil to look at the frayed wiring, which he felt
was unsafe. For your Mama's peace of mind, Phil, give him a call please. The
smoke needs to continue coming out of the fireplace chimney, not the back room.

You know you have procrastinated on something too long when the original issue gets so lost you don't even remember there being one. Here I am thinking they just couldn't find the light switch when in actuality our safety-conscious uncles were trying to keep our house from burning down. (Electrician! Come back to Iowa!) I see another ten month stretch...I hope I can talk dad into another visit before then!

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