Thursday, March 23, 2006

A few pictures from the Homestead

A view from our front window during winter. We got some more snow on Tuesday, but it has actually been a very mild winter here. Everyone keeps telling us "wait until we get some real snow!"

A couple of sunsets from our front window. We have no shortage of beautiful scenery out here in the boonies. One benefit of no mountains, trees, see all of the sunrises and sunsets, unless there are clouds, of course.

This is a picture of our living room before we painted, removed carpet, etc. Phil took this photo on his first trip back to Iowa.

And this is our living room now, after the green shag carpet had been taken up and the walls had been painted, but before all of our stuff filled it up. We have been very fortunate in this house that the floors are all in extremely good shape. We have had to do nothing but put wax on most of them to make them look as good as the floor in this picture.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Tracy. I love reading your blog and hearing about the Adventures at Grossmann Farms. Happy birthday to Ryan today! He looks so cute in the photos you posted, and I want to reach through the computer and hug him.
Your home is going to be beautiful. The houses built early in the 20th century had a charm about them, and you and Phil are bringing back your home's real personality. And I can't wait to hear about your gardening adventures as spring comes to Iowa. I love you very much. Aunt Sydney

Tracy said...

Thank you Aunt Sydney! We are having fun restoring our house...when we see what progress can be made. It's been fun exploring a different culture, too, even if it does closely resemble ours!