Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My little guy

It is so very hard in the middle of 80-90 degree days to recall what the middle of winter is like. For this I am both thankful and fearful. Thankful because the respite from bitter cold is necessary for my sanity, and fearful that in this lack of continual (or even occasional) reminder we will fail to do necessary things to our house to prepare for next winter. Things like stacking up wood and sealing all of the windows and replacing a few storm windows.

I now understand why people say the worst part about heat is the humidity. I used to nod my head and go along with this, but when we had four days of "high humidity" 85 degree weather last week, I really questioned whether or not the middle of summer could be much worse. And then, these past few days, people have been saying that this humidity has lifted. The temperatures are just as warm, but they are pleasant, agreeable temperatures. The light breeze is nice and beckons me outside. I don't feel like I continually need a shower while at the same time dreading the idea of more moisture on my body. We have had one day of rain in the past few weeks- this last Monday. Our weeks have been filled with beautiful days that call me outside to the garden or the shade.

Ryan loves being outside to the point when he wakes up it's the first thing he mentions. "Hi mommy. Outside. Rake. Chickens. Sheepie food."
"Ryan, should we eat breakfast first? Are you hungry?"
"Yeah, hungie. Outside food."
As a result, he has become an excessively dirty boy since this weather has ensued.

At the same time, he has reached a stage where he hates to be cleaned. The very site of a wet wipe will send him, arms directed strait down (so you can't grab them), hunched over, running from the room. With a quick "goodbye". He will inform me from the other room that he is going to "play with toys." That was my plan all along, mama. See how nicely and quietly I can play all by myself? This same maneuver is used prior to nap or bedtime. Want to change a dirty diaper? "No no, workin'!" I wonder if we have maybe overused this excuse of "working" with him. It seems to be quite universal.


Stephanie said...

First of all, let me welcome you to Iowa summer. Just like we had ice and snow in March, we can have heat and humidity in June and even October! Secondly, enjoy the beautiful days, because we have a tendency to complain about the heat and complain about the cold....the weather can never win! :-)

Anyway, enjoy the beautiful days with Ryan. Soon you will have a baby to worry about!

Emily said...

I like how Ryan has figured out that you can never fault him for "working" so he uses it almost exclusively. :)

Living in a state with real! Enjoy...