Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sibling rivalry starts early

He climbs up on the couch where I am laying down to rest. In his normal two-year old excitement he immediately stands to his feet and squeals "Jumpajump!"(you can imagine the action that usually follows). I head him off early "no no no, you have to be careful around mom's tummy - baby brother is in there."

"Baby bruver?"

"Yes, baby brother. See? In my tummy. Do you want to see if you can feel him kick?"

I place his hand on my tummy. Baby doesn't move, and Ryan stares intently at my belly. He moves his hand and finds my belly button, poking his finger into it.

Quickly he pulls it out and lets out a sharp yelp.
"Bite!" he squeals, his mouth wide open in shocked amusement.
Apparently baby bruver does not like his space invaded like that.

29 weeks. This last week I had an appointment for baby- a "heartbeat is good, measurement is good, blood pressure and protein are normal" visit. The same visit I have had each month now for some time. But when we were finishing, she said "Well, now that you are in your third trimester, we will start seeing you every two weeks."

Third trimester???

I don't think I am ready for that part. I am excited about checking on baby twice a month, though.

He is moving around so much now. Constantly kicking a rib or stretching and turning, jockeying for extra room to move around. Today in church I was distracted as I looked down to read my bible because my stomach looked like it was dancing. I really do love this part of pregnancy, though. I am big enough and baby is strong enough that I am constantly reminded he is "ok" but not so big that I am unable to tie my shoes or sleep at night.

The other side of the coin is my crazy hormones, which I don't remember being so pronounced last pregnancy, but certainly have been a reliable side-dish to my daily meal. That and absentmindedness. I won't be too sorry to see these side-kicks of mine go by the wayside once you know, baby is 28 or so and I can regain my sanity. _____________________


Tara G. said...

Sanity returns after having a second baby? Hah, that's what you think. :-) Seriously, it's good to hear you two are doing alright. Can't wait for little one to get here.


Tifani said...

Glad to hear you and baby are well, Tracy! And I have a strong feeling Ryan is going to continue to emerge as the family entertainer - I love the "bite" story. We miss you guys a lot and look forward to talking sometime this week! :)

Anonymous said...

Ryan's sense of humor is priceless! So glad you and "Pete" are doing well. Keep resting and avoiding those dreaded "Jumpajumps"!
Love you all.