Thursday, June 14, 2007


The evening sun is setting and we are enjoying some mamma-son time in the garden. I am sitting and pulling a few weeds from in between the onions, and Ryan is squatted next to a pepper plant a few yards away piling handfuls of fresh dirt on top of wet soil.

One of the fun (and irritating) parts about being a mom are the rhymes and songs that get stuck in your head. Not up-to-date songs, but Veggie Tales tunes and story book rhymes. Why are they always so catchy?

Just as we are quietly working, one of these such rhymes comes into my head. I break the silence:
"Skit-skat skoodle doot flip flop flee! Everybody running to the coconut tree!"

Ryan looks up from his work and sternly says "NO! Workin'!" He promptly puts his head back down to attend to his task, handful by handful carefully placing tiny mounds of dirt around this plant.

I'm thinking, "he likes this book...we read it all the time. Surely he can't mean stop talking about this book...maybe it was something else I was doing."

So I try it again "Mamma's and pappas and uncles and aunts hug their little dears then dust their pants!"

"NO! Please Stop it! Workin!"

"Sorry, Ryan," I say, holding back a smirk because he appears so offended. THAT is dedication for you. Apparently there must be no distractions while gardening. You would think he was building a bonsai sanctuary.

On another note, me and tiny baby are doing fine. I have had more help than I deserve out here- dinners and lunches and friends taking turns watching Ryan for me. Phil took a few days off of work to help me get some rest, too. My mom is planning on coming out next Wednesday for a few weeks, and then my mom-in-law is coming. I can't believe all of the help- it makes me feel so relieved and thankful.

I have not had to take any medication for contractions for the past three days, and while I still have to take it very easy, I am learning my limits a bit more. I head to the doctor tomorrow so we will see if anything has changed. For now, I praise God for keeping baby safe and the help he has brought me; for family and friends who are...just amazing.


Anonymous said...

What a hard little worker! He must take after our grandpa. I give him a few more years until he won't allow anybody to run in the grass.

I am so glad to hear that you are doing much better. But all you had to do to get mom out there was to ask. Maybe I should start contracting when she is out with you. (remember the good ol' days? you had the headache and I had the tummy ache... HEHEHE lets do it again)

I love you, glad to see everything is normal out there!


Angel at Aduladi' said...

PLEASE send him my way. All three of mine have contracted a bad case of the whines every time they are put to work lately. Sounds like he can whip them right into shape, I am diggin' his work ethic!!!