Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fuzzy teeth and a book

My sister has always been known to be a tad bit over-prepared. She is always the one who brings an extra pair of gloves (because she knows I will have forgotten them). She thinks ahead, plans ahead, prepares ahead. To the point that it has become something I both admire about her and laugh about with her. We are just so opposite here.

For example, when we were in junior high, a family friend won an overnight stay at a local hotel- a nice suite room in a place with a pool and indoor gardens. We were, say, 20 minutes from home, but still, a fun excursion. To prepare, I threw in a change of clothes and a swimming suit. My sister, (not kidding here) brought two full suitcases with her. With reading material, three types of bathing suits, clothing choices that would accommodate warm or cold weather, an extra coat, etc.

So, when my sister called me last week saying that she had her hospital bag packed, baby's hospital bag packed, both ready and waiting in the car along with the carseat all strapped in...I reminded her that she is only 34 weeks along. "I know," she said, matter-of-factly "I just don't want to get caught off guard. You should pack some stuff up, too."

Ha. I am only 30 weeks along, I remind her, laughing. I have a BIT of time before I need to be thinking along those lines! There are strawberries to freeze and can!

But, if my sister would have gone into the hospital this past Saturday morning with contractions just to "check things out"and then would have ended up staying overnight and until 7pm Sunday, she probably would have had a toothbrush with her. And maybe a change of clothes. Possibly some kids toys to occupy her 2 year old while he was waiting so he wouldn't be so interested in all of the cords hooked up to mommy.

I did, however, manage to throw in a book to read.

They have no idea what caused my contractions to start. They also don't know why they keep coming back. I have been sent home on "light duty" with some anti-contraction pills to take when they start up. The medication is a life-saver, even though they make me a bit light-headed and shaky.

I feel like I am walking around on eggshells. Last week, I was pretty sure I was going to conquer the world (or at least my house) and have been really excited with setting goals and completing household tasks so they would be ready for when baby came. Now, I am nervous to be up and walk around for more than 15 minutes at a time. Perhaps this will wear off, or perhaps my body just doesn't understand that babies need at least 38 weeks to grow, and it can't just putter out at 32 like it would like to.

The ultrasound they gave me to ensure baby was OK showed him at 3 pounds 14 ounces. Give or take 11 ounces. I blinked a few times before asking her if she really did mean it was GIVE or take 11 ounces...that means baby could ALREADY weigh 4 and a half pounds. Two months early. Not that it makes me nervous, or anything. Both my mom and mom-in-law would be delighted to show me what it's like to have a 10 pound baby...

So, Krissy has 18 diapers packed for her baby's going home bag. And a couple of changes of clothing. I don't think I am going to be that prepared, but I might want to start rummaging through the closet full of boxes that are marked simply "baby". See if I can find his clothes in there somewhere.


Stephanie said...

If you do get caught off-guard, know that you have people that will take care of you and bring you some clothes. You shouldn't need diapers coming home from the hospital - they have them for you. Also, don't stress - baby will come in God's time and be a healthy, happy baby......Keep on smiling. If you need anything, just let us know!

Anonymous said...

"But, if my sister would have gone into the hospital this past Saturday morning with contractions just to "check things out"and then would have ended up staying overnight and until 7pm Sunday, she probably would have had a toothbrush with her. And maybe a change of clothes."

Tracy, they are already in the car! For both Brett and myself. I guess I was the better campfire girl...always be prepared. Hopefully one day you will pick up on this trait that I have.

So I completely forgot about that hotel stay...I have gotten much better now, I only pack one additional outfit.

Thanks for letting me laugh, I really needed it today.

Love you
