Saturday, March 03, 2007

Where did the week go?

After my ranting post this morning about not having power for another week, we went out to the house to pick up a few more things. Upon walking into the breezeway, I noticed a single light on. "Odd," I thought "this is not March 11th..."

Apparently our power company had 8 trucks head our way this morning and tackled our outage, restoring our electricity a full week before they expected to. Amazing how feelings for a company can change so quickly, from frustration to pure thankfulness!


Tifani said...

Sooo happy that they got your power turned back on, praise the Lord! We've been thinking about you guys a lot, and I actually tried to post a comment the other day, but for some reason it wasn't working. We're really thankful for you guys that Chuck and Amanda were able to take you in to weather the storm. It was hard to think of the three of you trying to bundle up in that freezing house of yours! Be safe and stay warm! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Glad your power is back on! See you soon at church!

Tracy said...

Thank you Tif- we are very thankful, too, as you can imagine! We had it so much better than so many others out here...
We were also offered rooms with family in Des Moines, too, so we have been very looked after. We so appreciate the prayers and miss you a lot!

Anonymous said...

God is so faithful! Dad called from work to tell me to check your blog, that you kids were going to be without electricity until the 11th. Then..........low and behold to find out that you have power. We are so thankful for Chuck & Amanda to have taken you in and for the offers from Grpa& Grma and Uncle Jim. When I think back to you 3s move back there and what a "gut wrench" it was when we said our good byes for us to return home........... To see where God has placed you, with your church, friends and neighbors, I don't tend to question as much anymore of "WHY LORD?"....I know in my heart that He has a special plan for you. Dad and my job is to just let go and cheer you on. Love you 3 sooooooo much!!