Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 11th????

I called the power company this morning.

"No worries," they stated with their placidly automated voice "we know about your outage."


"We are working on finding a crew to address your outage."


"Expected time of reconnection is ....March 11th at ten oh clock PM"


No problem, right? Sure, most people are just fine without electricity for two weeks in the middle of winter, right?

Anyhow, update on yesterday's blizzard conditions.

And here's a nice story on our power outage from last week. Apparently 11,000 of us still lingering without power, which is a far cry from the some 350,000 initial customers.

I will say, though, it is really neat to see how people band together in this weather. Yesterday, with the drifting snow, Chuck borrowed his neighbor's plow. After clearing our driveway, he headed over to four or five neighbors to help clear their driveways.

Next door, a van got stuck trying to leave for work. This picture is of one of her kids, the neighbor across the street, Chuck and Phil working to clear her path.

Stay warm and send sun soon...

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