Saturday, March 10, 2007

Way, way back when

Phil was out at lunch with Neighbor Mike the other day. Out at lunch at a local restaurant that neither he nor I would have eaten at on our own. When we go out to eat, we drive the half hour or hour into the "city" and eat at a well established restaurant. I guess the locals don't always do that. There are "places to eat" pretty close by that neither of us have ever said "hey, let's try that place out" for reasons obvious to the casual windshield inspector. Nevertheless, they were eating at one of these places (which, Phil assured me later, had very good food that we should try sometime).

Anyhow, they got into a discussion with an older man (older than Neighbor Mike, not Phil) who started talking about how he remembered being driven to school by Mike's dad, who used to be the local school bus driver. Not too interesting until he said "Yup, I can remember that we had so many kids I had to ride on your dad's lap in the old wagon." Meaning the horse-drawn wagon....

We have moved quite a ways from horse-drawn wagons nowadays. We have station wagons and sedans with yellow "SCHOOL BUS" magnets stuck to the side. Which seems odd to me, because a School Bus is long (or short) and yellow and quite large. Quite unlike a normal vehicle at all, really. Why not make a yellow magnet that says "School Transport" or "Student Mover". It seems a bit more fitting, at least.


Sonja said...

Ah, we have come a long ways in a relatively short period of time. Imagine all the changes that man has seen growing up!

Michael / Tifani said...

Not even mini-vans or 15-passenger vans? A station wagon? Really?? I understand that you live in a small town but wow! At least one day you won't be sending Ryan out on a pile of hay in a horse-drawn cart. :)