Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean

We have been back at home for almost a week now. The house is warm again (really, really warm thanks to some fancy maneuvering by husband) and there is some semblance of normalcy to life once again. It took some time to dig out from beneath three days of built up dishes, a bit of laundry, and all of the candles/lanterns we had out for the power outage. Picture camping in your living room, with all the gear, leaving for a week, and then coming back to clean it all up- a bit of a chore.

BUT, Spring is on its way. Sure, the skies have been grey the past few days. Sure, there is still snow covering the ground. But it simply can't stay forever! The temps have been in the 30s and 40s the past few days- a wonderful break from the norm. I have heard a rumor that we might even get into the 60s next week, of course only to be followed by a winter blast that will "bring us us back into reality" (ha!).

Ryan has reached a new stage of something- I don't quite know what to call it yet (other than wonderful). I first noticed it two days ago when I walked in to the kitchen to see him whining. Of course I asked him to use "Big Boy words" (which only half way works at this age since I am sure he doesn't really understand what I am meaning by this). I then realized he had spilled a bit of his juice onto the floor. I asked him if he needed a paper towel to clean it up, and he said quite decidedly "Dah" (our term for yes).

Then yesterday, I was in doing dishes while he was eating a bowl of raspberries at his little table a few feet away. All of the sudden, he mumbled something and then ran out of the room. I looked over to see his bowl empty and a small puddle of raspberry juice on the table. I didn't think much of it, but grabbed the bowl to wash. Before I could come back to wipe up the spill, in runs Ryan, a tissue in one hand and the entire box in the other. He dutifully wiped up the spill, without a word to me, and held it up saying "garbage." Then, he walked over and threw the tissue away!

Now, to the un-parents in my audience, this might not seem like a big deal- and maybe it wasn't, but I tell you, if he can clean up his own spills now...think of the possibilities! He'll be doing laundry next year! If this is a trend, I'm going to like Two...

By the way, I am the Pre-Aunt to an 85% girl! My sister (who is due 20 days ahead of me) had her ultrasound on Wednesday. I guess they never give 100% assurances with girls, but they did some good looking and their best guess was that Krissy's huge stash of barbies from her youth will not go to waste after all. Also, I will have someone to buy an easy-bake oven for someday. This is a little unexpected, since we have seen no girls in either of our husband's extended families for awhile (for example, I have 4 current nephews...). The amazing part? This will be the first girl baby born into her husband's family line in 55 years! Needless to say, we are all a bit excited.


Michael / Tifani said...

So many exciting things! Glad you guys are back at the house.. I'm sure its a huge relief. Also fun to hear about Ryan cleaning up after himself, how cute and practical! Lastly, Krissy is having a girl?! How fun! Funny thing is I almost don't think I could picture her having a little boy first. We're calling you guys tonight! Hope you're around!!

Tycen said...

You will so have to teach us how you trained Ryan to clean up after himself. Either that or just loan us Ryan for a few weeks so he can teach our baby when it's time. I'd pay money for that!