Sunday, March 11, 2007

Exciting news!

The only Starbucks we have been able to find have been inside two grocery stores about an hour's drive from here.

Until now!

They just put in a whole NEW Starbucks bistro*...SO, if you are wondering what to get Ryan for his birthday, I can assure you that he would appreciate a Starbucks gift card as much as the next guy.

*Ok, the new store is still an hour away, but it has seating and the whole atmosphere, both of which are quite paramount to the entire experience.


Tycen said...

Yeah for Starbucks! Ryan was just telling me the other day that he wanted a new Tonka truck and Starbucks gift cards.

Well, the lack of a Starbucks within an hour was our last roadblock for moving to'd better start packing.

Anonymous said...

Ryan cleaning up the raspberry juice...very very charming! Nana will love that one! Everyone of the grandkids and greatgrandkids has had 'raspberry story' I'm so glad you're writing down all of these great moments:)