Friday, February 20, 2009

When winter decided to come up for air, and we were graced with a few days nearing 50 degrees, we could hardly contain ourselves. Fresh air and open windows and romps in the mud beckoned, and we answered with delight.
I found Ryan's first pair of "chorin' boots" and pulled them out for David. It was a good thing, too, because boys and mud are like glue and paper...birds and song...Oreo's and milk, and it was not long before he was tap-tap-tap-splish-sploshing through the nearest puddle.
Ryan, true to form, was off on an adventure. Of course, note that he has his stick in hand- never leave home without a trusty stick.
I hope when these days are long gone, one thing I remember is how much I loved hearing David call for Ryan. He 's doing that in the picture above- pausing to call with all his might...waiting for an answer, waiting to run in the right direction.
Ryan, (stick still in-hand) has found the half-melted snow-cave his dad carved out for him only days before.
And of course, we couldn't take a trip outside without seeing the "ladies". In a few months, we hope to be calling them "mom's." We can't wait! See that one on the right? That's Millie. And she still thinks she is more human than sheep.
We still have one cow (see those horns!?). He has grown a little, too.
It has turned back cold again this week- back down to the 20's and 30's- but oh, that breath of Spring was enough to get us dreaming...and planning...and hoping for brighter, warmer days!


Michael / Tifani said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU for the new pictures of the boys. They are growing so fast it's hard to keep up! David is such a little boy now.. and it's so cute seeing watch Ryan's every move. What a pair they're going to be growing up together!

The "ladies" are looking ornery as every. Are you going to use their wool to knit new sweaters from scratch? tee-hee :)

Love you all and keep cozy in the cold weather!

Sydney said...

Tracy, these pictures belong in a magazine. Love the boots! And David looks so proud to be old enough to hang out with Bib Brother Ryan. Soon your two little guys will be singing duets, too! Ryan's meatball solo is a classic. Thanks for two day brighteners. With so much love, Aunt Sydney

Anonymous said...

Did I see a hint of GREEN grass in that first picture? David, he's going to be Big Brother Ryan's shadow this summer. The 2 bros. Thank you so much for the recent picture sharing of the boys and of course "the ladies". Lots of Love!

Anonymous said...

Tracy, you told your sister to stop with the adorable should take your own advice. The first one of David is delectable! He's growning up way too fast for this Gramma. And Ryan...he wouldn't be Ryan without a stick. What a character. You are going to have your hands full watching these two, but what fun to observe their many adventures. Love you guys!