Sunday, February 01, 2009

Still Three...but not for too much longer.
Oh, how I love talking with my oldest these days. He is such a delight!
This evening, as Phil was talking with him, he started one of his favorite games.
"I love you." (Dad says, quietly, normally.)
"I love you more" (Ryan emphasizes, stifling a snicker)
"I love YOU more" (Dad raises his voice in mock-indignation)"No, I LOVE YOU MORE!" (Though peals of laughter, legs poised to run, expecting a tackle)
"I bet you don't love me enough to pick up all of your toys!" (Dad says playfully, eyeing the enormous tornado that is the play room, a valiant attempt at Tom Sawyer psychology).
Ryan looks sideways at the room, nudges a toy aside with his foot, and says nonchalantly "I don't."
At least we know he hasn't lost his spunk.


Sydney said...

Tracy, this is SO funny! Ryan has that great combination of trust and humor. Can't you and Phil just "hear" that smart little mind working to come up with the smackdown of dear old Dad's wily attempt at reverse psychology?
Love you all very much. Aunt Sydney

Tracy said...

Absolutely! Half-a-year ago I would not have expected him to catch Dad's tricks, and now he barely misses a beat. Its a wondreful stage!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Ryan! I'm glad you are wise to (some of) your parents tricks. Hehe - so hilarious!

Anonymous said...

And I can just see those blue eyes a dancin' with that foot tapping, ready to make his exit if necessary, ha. Oneryness in the pure form and sooooo lovely!!!!