Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Expecting the Unexpected

We have had a week of amazingly warm fall days. The forecast says "rain" tomorrow, and so its about time I started gearing up for the "real" fall and winter days. There are a few things I did today that are so simple, I often skip them altogether. However, this year I decided to give my future self a treat and accomplish the tasks before they become absolutely necessary.
First, I cleaned and vacuumed the breezeway, which will probably be our normal entrance during the winter months. I went out and found our snow shovel, ice scraper, and stiff broom, and put them right inside the door, ready for the first snowfall. This way, I won't be hunting them down after those first flakes come. Simple, yet I know when the time comes, I will appreciate it greatly.
I then took advice that my sister gave me awhile back. Since we live so far from, well, everything, she mentioned that I might want to have a bag I keep in the back of the van, filled with blankets and such to be used in the event of an emergency.

Have I ever mentioned how great my sister is at being prepared? Well, she is.

Anyhow, I cleaned out the van and set out to pack a duffel bag with winter back-ups. Here is a list of the things I put in there, just in case you want to make your own. I love knowing that if need be, we will have the ability to stay warm in a worst-case scenario.

  • Warm clothes, including sweaters for each family member, warm pants for the boys, long sleeved shirts for the boys, and an assortment of orphaned socks (we won't be entering a fashion contest, and I figure the matching socks can best be utilized for everyday wear).
  • Extra diapers
  • A warm hat and a thick pair of gloves for each family member
  • A high-strength flashlight (actually a head lamp with an LCD light)
  • Bottles of water
  • Two warm blankets
  • A whistle
This process also allowed me to think of last year's winter, and plan to pick up a few things at the store next time I am in town. To the above list, I plan on adding:
  • A small shovel for each vehicle (for getting out of snow drifts, if necessary)
  • Granola bars and other non-perishable food items
  • Hand warmers (those ones you can bend and pop to heat up)

I think I will also make a mini-bag for Phil's truck, including some of the same above items. As normal as it is to bring things like a hat and gloves with you out on the road during winter, every once in awhile something happens and we end up unprepared for the unexpected. This is just a way of ensuring we have backups in that event.

OK, Sis, what have I missed? Does anyone else have ideas or tips? My bag still has some room, and I am anxious to hear what you would pack away for worst-case-scenarios.


Anonymous said...

Great job, Tracy! Not only YOU will be happy that you have an emergency bag with you this winter, but all those who love and worry about you will, too!

Sonja said...

I love being prepared or the idea of being prepared :)

Before we came out to visit you I was getting our car emergency kit together. This year I added the instant hand warmers and rain ponchos.

Mandapanda said...

Great idea on the emergency kit! I'd say you should put some first aid supplies in there and a battery powered radio, and definitely as much non-perishable food and water (or maybe water purifying tablets or something as well) as you can. I sure hope you never need it, but I bet that someday something in there will come in handy! Love ya.