Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday Morning Thankfulness

Ann Voskamp has captivated me with her gratitude.
This morning, beyond all understanding, I want to dive in the deep end, wallow in longing and sadness. I stand here in the balance once again. Bah, too often.
This morning, though, I choose gratitude, for I know no other antidote. For it is only when I lose perspective- look past those sweet and abundant gifts- that I can be at all discontent. Who, upon opening their eyes to the true beauty around them, can be anything but thankful?

eyes searching, wonder reflected

A blur of energy, 15 months in constant movement

grass, green in November. A small bike waiting for adventure

I asked Ryan to "do what I do" and his tree, my tree side by side result. We dream of apples on green-leaved trees, swings and blue skies to dream under

Wood piled high to warm the house for the day, brought in by husband in the early hours before work

Warmth and glow, the hum and backdrop comforting our days

Gifts and connections- a table runner made lovingly by my mom, tiny perfect pumpkins and squash from a friend, a computer that spans miles, a red shaker to make music

Light of day spilling into our house

A rocking chair, made by great grandpa, enjoyed for (now) two generations

Compassion shown to a hurting friend, three huddle close and share comfort

Hair mussed from a warm, long sleep, eyes defying age- when did he grow so old?

Tiny hands grasping the same wood turned by great grandfather, generations linking

Dad and boys, teaching and learning, patience and love shine through

"... a happy day is not the genesis of thanksgiving,rather,
thanksgiving is the genesis of the happy day."

The ability to live full of joy is not so much our circumstance, but more about our orientation to it. Sometimes, I just need a moment or two to re-orient myself.
What are you grateful for today? Beauty abounds for us all, for the Giver is quite generous. I would love to hear of the beauty surrounding you today.


Anonymous said...

Today, I am grateful for music playing softly and comfortingly in the background; soft fabric under my fingers as I create gifts; the computer, through which I can follow the growing wonders of my much loved grandchildren; a loving husband that will be home soon for dinner; the telephone, which connects me to family and friends both near and far; a glorious sunny day (yes, in the Northwest in November!!); a cat that has resurfaced, requesting numerous pets and reasurances after hiding FOREVER from a horrible monster (a 16 month old here for three days!); and especially the knowledge that I will get to play with ALL of my grandchildren this month, plus see both daughters and one son-in-law (the other one was in school).
Thank you, Tracy. This is a fantastic excercise for turning negatives into positives, and becoming more aware of the marvels around us.

Tracy said...

Mom- what a great list! Oh, sewing sounds wonderful! And, wasn't sun just great today?!Thanks for your list- I know I felt so much better after making mine...changes so many perspectives! At first, I walked around thinking, "hmm. There is so little," and by the end, I could have made the list three times as long. Of course, adding that I get my parents for Thanksgiving this year!

Sydney said...

E-mailing parents this morning to begin The Great Church Christmas Pageant season -- and already imagining Joshy toddling down the aisle, dressed as a shepherd's baby sheep.
Hauling rocks in the autumn sunshine, "helped" by our two gallumphing dogs, and being so thankful my knees can still do this, even if each load has to be lighter than last year's.
Then warming up, with a cup of rose-petal tea and a chapter of Jane Austen.
Thinking of Amanda's phone call, when she said she, Nathan and Joshy made their own "We Are Thanksful" Thanksgiving turkey, as our family did years ago,with each paper feather listing something to be thankful for. A Joshy feather says "Pooh."
Reading your amazing blog, Tracy, and seeing adorable David in his footed pjs, and sweet -- when did he grow up so? -- Ryan comforting his friend.
Thank you for this, and for so much more, Tracy.
Love you all so much.
Aunt Sydney

Tracy said...

Aunt Sydney,
Thanks for your list! It's just really neat to hear what great things are going on in the days of others. I love the idea of making A Thanksgiving Turkey- that sounds like the same kind of excercise--ah, Christmas pageant time...we would need pictures of Joshy, of course! I am in awe of the outdoors work this time of year, too. I keep looking at my overgrown and weedy front flower bed- it so longs for someone like you to love it and nurture it...maybe come spring.
Thank you for sharing!

Michael / Tifani said...

Tracy, you continue to amaze me with your powers of optimism and gratefulness!

I am thankful for my sweet little two-month-old boy (whom I just laid down for bed), my loving and supportive husband (who is out spending some time at the hobby store with his brother), my warm house, the vibrant fall leaf display we have had this year, for the Thanksgiving dinner I will share with over a dozen family members, and for close friends near and far. Oh and for yummy pumpkin scones.. mmmm...