Friday, October 31, 2008

Growing up, my sister and I were always in cahoots. This teamwork and delightful companionship is one of my greatest desires for my boys. I know that I need to be careful what I ask for, as that teamwork could work against their mother.

This morning, while I was making coffee (i.e. I was absent from view for two minutes, tops) the boys decided to reorganize for me. Brother Cahoots, I tell you, is unfair before morning coffee. I should call foul.

When I saw what they were up to, I informed Ryan that we were not going to empty the entire pantry into the playpen. Nossir. He needed to stop.

Plaintively he looked at me, sweetly and said "OK mom."

Seconds later I looked back and this was happening. Upon first reaction I thought "Argh!" But, admittedly, it was the beginning of the day, and I had far less frustration built up than I do at the end of a day, meaning I am also a bit more easygoing. I asked him plainly "What are you doing? Didn't mom ask you to stop?"

"I'm just helping Davey."

And true to his words, HE was not throwing anything in the playpen. You can see him stop himself a few times in this video, and that is the result of thinking he would get in trouble if HE were to do such a deed. The last container he wants to throw is sugar, and I tell you, the MESS if I were to let that be tossed over. Canned goods are one thing, flour, sugar, baking soda? There are limits, even before my morning coffee.

I also had to share this small snippet, which was filmed a few minutes before the above video. David, upon first coming downstairs, became fascinated with his shadow. Stand still, wave, grab, bob-up-and-down fascinated. It's so neat watching their little minds explore. Often, I get moving so fast I don't notice small moments like this, and it was such a treat to see him try and figure it all out.


Speaking of comprehension:

While I was typing this, my phone rang. The cordless phone ran out of batteries and it went to the answering machine. It was my mom-in-law. In her message, she gave some detailed questions about Christmas gifts, asking about appropriate ages and a specific toy. Ryan was standing here and when she hung up here is what he said to me, in an excited, wide-eyed tone:

"A Noah's Ark! For me? Is she going to bring that for me? COOL!"


"Gramma Calli? Is she going to bring me clothes and a Noah's Ark?"

I'm telling you, I had no idea I would have to start hushed Christmas conversations so early.


Anonymous said...

Oh my...I can't stop laughing! Those two are certainly going to keep you on your toes from now on. But, as the elder child, I'm sure you will have no trouble imagining the escapades they will devise PRIOR to the various executions - or maybe not. hehe
On the plus side, David is doing so very well with his walking, reaching, tossing, and thinking! I'm sure Ryan is coaching him regularly to prepare him for further 'adventures'. Oh, what fun to watch those amazing little minds develop!
Love you all so very much.

Sydney said...

Tracy -- these are priceless. Ryan is such a helpful big brother! And David's smiles are completely angelic. These videos will be family classics for sure.
And, as Joshy would say, "Happy 'ween!" on Pumpkin-and-Candy Day!
With so much love,
Aunt Sydney

Tifani said...

Too cute! I love the videos and Ryan continues to completely crack me up.

Krissy said...

I was laughing so hard at the videos I woke Chloe up! I love how Ryan was making sure that HE was not the one putting the pantry items in the play pen, it was all David's doing. Chloe and Cadence are on a similar track as well. Boy do they keep us on our toes!