Saturday, May 03, 2008

Overprotective or a bit of Sibling Rivalry

Sitting and playing a game of patty-cake, coming to the end of the song:

Me (moving David's hands in a swirl to make something resembling air-letters): "And mark it with an R and a D"
Me: "And put it in the oven for David and Ryan!"
Ryan: "No. Not for David. He could choke on it!"


Anonymous said...

Well Mom, you should know better than that, ha. Precious punkin', what a joy.
I can soooo see Eric & Philip in those 2. Love that knew no end of which the younger may soon ask for a bit of space and air, ha. Give the boys loves and hugs from us.

Tifani said...

Hahahaaa! I laughed out loud at this one. How funny!! Ryan is such a crack up.

Emily said...

I'm with Tifani. This one made me chuckle for sure!