Monday, May 19, 2008


Do you remember doing the listening activity in school where you are supposed to explain to someone how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? And often, the activity started with a loaf of bread in a plastic sack, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jam?
The poor "direction giver" would start with "Open the bag of bread."
Appropriately prepared for this task, the "listener" would grab the bag in two hands and rip it down the middle.
Because the direction was "open" not "grasp the twist-tie with one hand, the bag with the other, maneuver the tie off the sack so you can open the bag."
And the exercise would continue, with peals of laughter from onlookers, conjured looks of confusion from the participant, and increasing frustration from the direction giver.
This, friends, this is what it is like to live with a three year old.

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