Saturday, May 03, 2008

Life With Three

Me: "Com'ere Ryan, let me do your hair."
Ryan: "I hink I already had a haircut at Gramma's house, hun."
(Reader's notes: we don't quite have the "th" sound down yet, so Think becomes Hink, Thank you is Hank you", also, we pick up on quite a few things, so I am often called "hun" or "honey" by my son. I'm glad we don't use more inappropriate nicknames for each other in this house...)
Me: "I'm just going to put water on it so it looks nice. Come on now."
Ryan, sidestepping quickly toward the stairs and responding in a singsong, yet firm voice: "NoooOOOooo, I don't need to be haaaandsome."
By the time I can dry my hands hastily on a towel and head down after him he is reaching the last step of the stairs.
He looks back at me with a smirk and says quietly "No hanks, hun, I don't hink I need to be handsome anymore."


Michael / Tifani said...

I don't need to be handsome? That is TOO cute! And I find it really funny that your 3-yr-old is calling you, the mother, "hun."

Anonymous said...

I just love it! The next time Oma is back in town we're going to learn the words to "hey, hey good lookin'" Don't you think our singing that while out "bunny frushing" would be a good thing? That baby mouth and what comes out of it, ha. Love you 4!

Mandapanda said...

Ryan cracks me up - these conversations that you post are definitely one of my favorite things, as well as pictures and videos, so keep em coming! :c)