Thursday, November 29, 2007

Growing Up

Grandma Calli sent this adorable outfit for David. Moms are goofy, because when I got this for him and saw how adorable he was in it, I wondered if I could get away with having him wear this All Week Long. (Don't worry, I didn't.)
The further we go into "2" the harder it is to get a non-blurred picture of Ryan. If you look closely at his shirt, you can see that it is Phil's truck in red carrying a Christmas tree. Another shirt I wanted him to wear the Entire Month.
When I'm not looking...hugs and kisses and nearly head-popping affection. Warms a mamma's heart.
Thanksgiving Day in DesMoines. The boys (5 and 8) played SO well with Ryan. Here, the 8 year old has arranged a fun game for Ryan and himself. The wagon and the sled are tied together, and the 5 year old is straining to pull the other two along. Very crafty, if I do say so myself.


Krissy said...

What adorable outfits! I have a few favorite of Chloe's as well that she wears a few times a week...I do laundry a lot.

Tell Ryan that if he sits still for a picture he can have a mallow or a numminum. That might do the trick.

Please keep the pictures coming. It's the only way I can see my nephews.

Tifani said...

I love those boys! Thanks for my "fix" of cute pictures of David and Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tracy - We loved the pictures. That one of Ryan giving David a hug aroud the neck brought back memories of Tara and Eric giving "lovins" to Philip. I have more than one picture of Sis on the couch with a book reading (I think at 3 yrs. old that's called "story telling" by pictures) to her brothers. Special, special memories, tuck them in your heart, Mama. Love you 4 so very much!