Thursday, November 29, 2007


Growing up, I was always amazed at how mom knew Everything. She knew when I was lying or when I was cold (because she was cold...). Anyhow, now that I am a mom, I too have ears to hear all and eyes in the back of my head. It's a thrilling experience, let me tell you, when they first install that second pair of eyes- OH the sights you'll see!

Anyhoo, I also figured that since I have moved out of the house and a few states away that this instinct of my mother's might wane a bit. She doesn't mention it anymore when I snitch an extra cookie or sneak out of my room to play on the computer after bedtime. But I think secretly, she must know. Because there is this thing she does, and there is simply no other explanation for it.

I live, you know, a ways from the nearest grocery store. You would think that since it takes me 17 hours to reach the nearest Target that I might stock up on extra things like, say, soap or toilet paper. But I don't. I still shop like a city girl who can pop on over to Albertson's for a gallon of milk if need be.

I also must mention that my mom and dad both work for Kimberly Clark - the makers of fine paper products like paper towels, kleenex, and toilet paper. This makes them not only loyal customers of the KC brand, but also prolific gifters of such products. I often get these products as "fillers" in boxes with other gifts (box of candy, shirts for the boys, three rolls of TP) and don't blink an eye- I actually think it's pretty inventive.

Also, each year around Christmas time the company offers these gift boxes that employees can buy and send out to families and friends that contain samples of their products. We look forward to trying out their new stuff, and who could resist free paper towels???

Here's the weird part. EVERY time I have received one of these boxes, it has been on the Last Day of my Last Roll of toilet paper. I think to myself as I watch the last few squares peel off the roll "Oh MAN! Why don't I just buy a bunch to have on hand? Would ht at be so hard, Tracy?" Then, lo and behold, I head out to get the mail and here sits this box of toilet paper.

Warning to all of you who eat an extra slice of pie in your own kitchen after the lights are out: MOM KNOWS. I'm telling you.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, dear - you, too, will more fully develop your Mom's Intuition over the coming years. It's a gradual thing, but once you've got it, you'll have it forever - sometimes to your children's delight, sometimes to their dismay! (hehe)
Love you all so very much!

Krissy said...

Ah yes mother's intuition....a great thing to have, when you are a mom. And I am totally using it right now on Chloe. Even though she got brett's hot blood, if I am cold, so is she. Poor thing is always too warm.

And I am very glad that you don't have to figure out what to do when you DO run out of TP. Scarry thought! I would suggest stocking up.

Oh to ALL moms out there with little youngsters, I got a great tip from an employee at Babies R US: When your child "outgrows" that wonderful baby monitor, stick it under their bed and you WILL know all...well conversationally speaking anyways. I dunno, I thought it was a great tip and a great way to keep the monitor money stretching.

Tifani said...

I remember when Michael and I were visiting last winter and experienced your mother's TP Intuition. We were on the end of the roll and just talking about going to the store, and BAM - toilet paper delivery! So funny.