Thursday, November 29, 2007

A bit off key, but oh so fun.

One of my favorite things to do with Ryan at this age is go back and forth counting or singing songs or saying the ABCs. I think it is delightful to see how much he actually memorizes when we read stories or learn a song, so I stop and he will just fill in the blanks.

Sometimes this tactic goes a bit haywire, though. Months ago when we first started counting, I would say 1, he would say 2, etc. It was great, except for that he still says his 1-10 as 1 2 4 6 8 10 matter how many times I say ONE TWO THREE! One two FOUR comes out.

But we'll get there. And, this singing thing is just too adorable to let pass without doing a few at bedtime.

Also, while he will sing to me all the time, singing for the camera or for other people (like his dad) is like asking a jellyfish to sit still on a you know I am a bit of a stage mom here, bribing and cajoling so he will be for you like he is for me: adorable two-ness.


Krissy said...

I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I watched it 5 times in a row. You really need to put more of these up here. He is getting so big. Oh and tell him he did a wonderful job at singing.
Love Auntie Krissy

Sonja said...

How adorable! Both the boys are getting so big!

Anonymous said...

How very, very precious!! Opa was threatened at Boeing by one of his co-workers over Ryan's performance, that if Opa played it one more time he was going to knock him off his chair. I think what bothered Matt is that Opa just kept turning the volumn up further and further, and maybe playing it 6 times, one right after another, was a little much in a "Boeing Crew" surrounding, ha. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video. Ryan is getting so big.

Tifani said...

I finally had a chance to watch this SOOOOO cute!