Thursday, November 29, 2007

Frightful Gains New Meaning in Iowan Winters

Last time the weather did this we had to move out of our house for a week. And get the pastor's family sick.

So we're a bit nervous.

The tick tick tick tick of freezing rain is pattering against our living room windows, coating them so thickly with ice that you can't see through them. The radio tells of power outages throughout South Central Iowa...and the storm is moving this way.

Cinnamon and the comforting smell of a woodburning fire fill the inside of our home, warm with reds and greens.

The weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since there's no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

This song rings so true when you actually have frightful weather. Snug in our home we are protected from the winter elements - giddy with toe curling, book reading, hot-chocolate sipping comfort.

But we still stocked up on water...and toilet paper...and have the oil lamps out. Because we have been here before.
In my email this morning:
The NWS in Des Moines has issued an ice storm warning, which is in effect from 6 am to 3 pm cst Saturday.A mix of freezing rain, sleet, and snow will spread into southern and central Iowa Saturday morning, affecting locations along and south of highway 30.
One quarter to one half inch of glaze ice is expected across the warning area, along with sleet accumulations up to one half inch. Significant icing will create very hazardous travel conditions during the day Saturday.
In addition, a southeast wind gusting over 30 mph may down tree limbs and power lines that are weighed down by ice.An ice storm warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Significant amounts of ice accumulations will make travel dangerous or impossible. Travel is strongly discouraged. Commerce will likely be severely impacted. (oh, look out Target! Christmas sales will be down!!) Ice accumulations and winds will likely lead to snapped power lines and falling tree branches that add to the danger.


Mandapanda said...

Yikes!! We'll be praying for you. How scary - what good attitudes you all have. Maybe it is partly because I haven't eaten breakfast yet, but I have to say that the part in that news alert which refers to "significant icing" made me really hungry for cupcakes. I think that context is the only context significant icing should show up. Good luck - hope you don't lose your interent access - keep us updated. Love you

Anonymous said...

Manda is right about the icing - and I've eaten breakfast! I am so grateful that this is occuring on a weekend so that Philip is home, safe and sound - AND that you have enough TP! Stay warm & safe and keep us posted.
Love you all so very much!

Tifani said...

That is frightening! So glad you guys are okay!!