Tuesday, November 13, 2007

For the Love of Food

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but Ryan loves food. I'm not talking about Hostess or Cookies, because everyone loves that kind of food. I'm talking Whatever I Give Him. He is equally excited to get fish crackers or some broccoli.

Since he has figured out where Mom keeps all of the food, anytime there is No Ryan, I have to immediately go the kitchen, where he is into something...crackers, cheese, dry oatmeal, whatever.

I gently scold him that he needs to ask before he just eats the Entire House...but the next day we are back to snitching. (He calls it "nitchen" and admonishes his father for the same trait when he comes home from work searching out readily edible food. "No nichen dad!" he warns, and then runs in to see me "I say, No nichen dad!" like "Don't worry mom, I've got your back!")

But, when there are a huge number of kids out there who won't eat anything but mashed potatoes, should I complain when a few minutes ago I saw a Blur of Ryan run past me with a just-opened bag of mini-carrots "niched" from the fridge?

I think he is on his 8th carrot...I'm pretending not to notice.


Krissy said...

I love the fact that he "nitches" carrots...how can you go wrong? Just make sure that he is only able to reach the healthy stuff. Keep the good stuff:cookies,m&m's, and other various goodies out of reach. He is such a wonderful kid!

Mandapanda said...

Tracy, I was telling my mom something the other night and realized I really should tell you! Over the past months I've been getting less and less worried about Joshua growing up, and much of it has to do with reading your stories about Ryan. I've been so worried about what my baby will get into when he can do more than lay on his back(and he can roll and slither around pretty well now), when he can crawl (!) and terrified of him walking...just worried about everything he'll get into, slamming his head into things...you know. But reading about what Ryan is learning and saying and what an incredibly clever and adorable little person he is...it is making me excited about it...bruises and scrapes and eaten up rental agreements and all. Love you all - hope to talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

I love it, Dad and I laughed so hard after we read your posting on Ryan raiding the frig. I can just hear him tattling on his Dad for "nitchin", and knowing Ryan, its because his Dad is "nitchin" HIS goods, ha. Precious kiddo. Love you 4!

Tifani said...

Oh my goodness.. SO funny. We had the ability to witness this little cookie monster first hand when we visited last month. The funniest to me was his "nitchin" at the dinner table. If Ryan's plate was clean, he reached out for any plates/dishes of food nearby and put whatever-it-was right into his mouth. Like Krissy said, just make sure only the healthy stuff is within easy grabbing distance, and you're good to go!