Thursday, November 01, 2007

David at ten weeks

And the baby battle continues.


Krissy said...

YAY I finally got you to post some more pics. How adorable is he???? SO FREAKING ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

So precious! David keeps getting cuter and cuter each day. I love his shy smile! Ryan was a perfect "Charlie" - good suggestion, Tifani. You have two of the most adorable little guys in the world!
Love you all so very much.

Michael / Tifani said...

I agree with Krissy.. David is SOO adorable! He is so perfect and cuddly and cute! Thanks for posting new pics of him. We miss the boys already!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweetie pie. I love the smiles. I can't believe how much he has filled out and changed since August. Enjoy him Trace, as you know with Ryan, this time goes by so quickly. Love you 4!