Friday, May 18, 2007

Update on the water

  • Electricity bill per month because pump has been running all the time: $163
  • Digging a hole to get to the broken pipe: $75
  • New fitting for broken pipe: $77
  • New well pump and labor for installing it: $1430
  • New water filter to replace the one filled with rust and sediment from well work: $43
  • Being able to simultaneously wash a load of laundry and brush your teeth without using toilet water*: Priceless.

After all of that work on the well, things really hadn't improved very much. Last night the water was still dribbling from the shower and FORGET trying to run two of anything at the same time. I considered contracting with the hill of ants outside because they could have carried water to fill our washing machine in weensie buckets strapped to their backs faster than our pipes were. When I opened the mail this morning and found the bill for all of that well work, I was quite discouraged, especially since it didn't seem to fix the problem.

Last night we went into "town" and decided to get a replacement water filter. We reasoned that all of the rust breaking loose could have clogged the filter, taking longer for water to pass through. Phil installed it this morning, but I have been avoiding things like laundry because it takes all of the water in the house for a couple hours with each load.

This afternoon, I decided I had better get down and start one, or it wasn't going to happen today. But when I turned on the washing machine, something miraculous happened. The water flowed in freely! I thought "ooo...that filter must have been part of the problem!" And I sat there watching it, mesmerized, wondering when it would run out. BUT IT DIDN"T! So I tried something crazy. I went to the kitchen and turned on the sink - IT WORKED- well! I left the sink running at half-blast and went downstairs to peek in the laundry room. The washing machine was still filling. Wow. This has not happened since...oh...I can't remember when.

Now, to tell you the truth, I still don't really trust it. Only time will tell if the water issue is really fixed or if God just decided to salve the wound from the well bill this morning. Whatever the case, this makes me happy.

*We don't really do this, I promise. Even when we don't have water.


Michael / Tifani said...

Priceless! I like your starred comment and was relieved to read it. :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! None of us would choose to go through any of the "hassles" of life, but whooooaa, when we get on the other side of it we realize how much we grew through the thing........ even if its as difficut as learning to "trust God" more or simply to have a real appreciation for the sound of "running water". AGAIN, not fun to go through, but "priceless". Love you 3+