Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Back Home

So, we're back in the cornfields. We flew overnight Sunday back into Des Moines. I was both nervous and excited to do a redeye with a two year old. Nervous because he may not sleep, and that would be really, really bad with a plane full of sleeping people, but excited because it was my best shot at a peaceful plane ride without having to bring a suitcase full of kidertainment.
Also cause for concern? He spent nearly the entire flight out to Washington sitting on grandpa's lap, or watching grandpa's movies. Grandpa would not be here this time.

The result? He fell asleep during takeoff and was passed out the entire first leg of the flight, woke up during the hour-long layover, and then slept again the second flight. And, if the seats weren't quite uncomfortable and there hadn't been a tiny elbow in my pregnant belly, I would have been able to sleep, too! However, it was a nice, relaxing flight that brought us both home in one piece.

Husband picked us up at the airport yesterday and I was able to make myself sleep for a few hours in the afternoon- a much needed rejuvenation. It was SO warm yesterday, and by the time I woke up, it was 84 in the house! Welcome to spring, right? We opened the windows and let the breeze in, and headed outside. It was late in the day, so we were able to enjoy a really beautiful sunset and take in the emptiness around us.

Trees have started to leaf out and my RASPBERRIES! have survived! I was quite concerned because they started sprouting leaves last month right before a week-long frost/snow and I was sure it had set them back quite a bit. But no! There are little sprouts all over the rows and oh I cannot wait to get out and clean up the beds! Also? The asparagus is back and yummy as ever. We had enough for hearty servings for dinner last night, 8 spears left over, and will need to go cut more today. Time to start giving it away! Very fun!

These are a few pictures from the last day of my Washington trip. We visited the tulip fields - so beautiful! I never remember to take enough pictures and it always saddens me when I get back home.

We brought the wagon because we thought Ryan might like to ride in it. That lasted about three minutes until he decided he would help push...or pull...or do anything but ride in the wagon. As a result it carried our purses or coats most of the time.

At one point he decided to just sit down. In the middle of the walkway. And didn't want to move. Still, not in the wagon, of course.

The tulip fields are in a part of Western Washington that has not yet been built up. If it weren't for the mountains around, it might feel a bit like Iowa! The biggest difference (aside from the abundance of people) was that they grew things other than corn or beans! There were many, many fields of plants I could not recognize (this field, of course, has not sprouted yet...I'm talking about other fields.)

And, because I can't resist: Look at my sister's belly! It's getting so big! She is such an adorable momma - Chloe is only a few months away!


Sonja said...

So glad you made it back safely! It was so good to see you while you were out here.

Tifani said...

It was really good to see you last week, Trace! You look great and Ryan is as fun as ever. I bet it was nice going home to your hubby, warm weather and your sprouting produce, though. I look forward to having my own garden someday and will be counting on some advice from you!