Tuesday, May 29, 2007

As the petting zoo grows...

Millie (thanks, girls, for the name) is doing really well. We are starting to wean her off of the bottle, but still probably have a week or two of feedings to go. She seems to eat less milk now that we let her graze during the daytime.

We found her a friend about a week and a half ago - Molly - who is about 20 pounds of lamb, already weaned. She was skittish for the first few days, and still doesn't like a lot of people contact, but she is getting better. Since Molly has come along, Millie still enjoys being around people, but it isn't a necessity as it was before. I enjoy this much more- I really hated having her out there so lonely.

Phil is still working on their fence for their pasture, and until then they are being let out daily to wander and eat grass as they please - yep, without fences! Molly chases chickens sometimes, and Millie can be seen prancing sideways with excitement whenever people come out to play. Such a little zoo our house is becoming.

The water is still working well, with one little hiccup that had to be fixed Sunday (the pipe coming into the house had blown apart, effectively emptying the contents of the well into the basement, filling the septic tank.) Thank goodness for Phil and his newly found plumbing skills that put us back "on line" later that afternoon (especially since we had his sister, brother in law, and two nephews staying with us!)

Just some disjointed updates for a cloudy day.

1 comment:

Tifani said...

Yay for Millie and Molly! What a cute name combo. I can't wait to see a picture. Although, your "20 pounds of lamb" comment makes me think Molly might be "leg-of-lamb" before we can say "Shari Lewis."
