Monday, September 11, 2006


Ryan loves other kids. Mostly, I think, because he learns so much from them (how to get more of this or that, how to "cooerce" parents, new tricks to try and new things to explore, to name a few). So, when we are out and about, if there are other kids around, those little bright blue eyes soak up everything from those kids. Most recently, we were at the library and there was a small girl- just over 1 - who was a "climber". Ryan has never been a climber. The only things I need to worry about "baby proofing" are things he can get when standing on the floor (which is actually quite a lot of things, believe it or not). He watched this girl, enthralled, for just over 10 minutes before we left.

Naturally, when we got home, he decided to try some of this girl's strategy. It's like a whole new world has been opened up to him. From ten minutes in the library, he realized that he does not have to view the world from two feet tall any longer! There are much higher vantage points - "the better to see you with, mom!" he assures me with his squeals. The only good thing is that he is not very adept at it yet. Since he has never been a climber, and does not yet have the necessary climbing skillset, it usually manifests itself in the child sprawling his arms over the object (couch, chair, etc) lifting a leg, and giving little grunts as if that will help him fly up onto it.

But, he is starting to realize not everything is out of his reach. That's right, clean clothes baskets and boxes of apples are definitely within said climbing range. Yesterday, in fact, I walked into the living room, and noticed Ryan was a foot taller. A closer look revealed Ryan, doing a little "victory dance" on the top of my sewing basket. Hmm. Maybe we won't be visiting other children much, after all.


Tycen said...
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Tycen said...

There's all kinds of things you can learn at the library!

I wouldn't be too worried until you catch him putting on a climbing harness and packing some carabiners.

"Belay on!"

Anonymous said...

That's the problem- he doesn't even know to pack the belay equipment. He just heads up the mountain with only a diaper...he couldn't even get past the poison ivy unscathed!

Anonymous said...

Silly kid. Remember how Clara and Grace would manage to scale their dressers in 2.5 seconds before you even realized they were out of the room? That was scary. Just be thankful he learned how to walk before he could climb!

Maybe if he had a mini-slide with a ladder he would focus his attention on climbing that instead of furniture? It's a good theory at least. :)

Just try to keep him away from the kids that like to light things on fire.