Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Conversation with a farmer

Farmer Mike: So, this here neighbor invites me to an "Old guy's" group over in Story city.
Me: Oh yeah? That's neat!
Farmer Mike: Well, kind of. I mean, I went once. These old guys sit around and drink coffee, eat for 20 minutes, and then just leave!
Me: Food doesn't sound so bad...and coffee, that's good, too.
Farmer Mike: Here's the thing- they don't even talk about anything good. They just discuss who died last month. It's all business.
Me: Really?
Farmer Mike: And hey, I told the guy, if I'm going to drive all the way in to town for some "old guy's" club, at least let me tell some tall tales and lies!
Me: Oh sure...that's understandable...


Anonymous said...

Nice one. Maybe you should suggest to him to throw the group off a bit by telling a joke. Or my personal favorite, sit on a whoopy cushion. That would certainly change the mood.

Emily said...

You're hilarious, Tracy! You're such an optimist and he was so wanting someone to commiserate with. Way to go on not giving up, Pollyanna. haha

Anonymous said...

Emily- it's funny you say that because I know I get on his nerves with my cheery ways. He has asked Phil before what kind of meds he has me on...I think it's good to give him a hard time once in awhile!

Anonymous said...

Tifani- I can just see him respond to that. Some 60 year old farmer sauntering in with a whoopy cushion. Priceless. You know, he would probably be ornry enough to do it...