Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Ryan: Are you ready to go Dave?
David: (sipping happily on his juice, swinging his legs) Nope.
Ryan: But Dave. We're going to the park. If you don't want to come we are just going to leave you. Do you want to go to the park, Dave?
Me: Ryan, we aren't going to leave your brother here.
Ryan: (still determined but relinquishes the threat) Do you want to go to the park David?
David: Yes!
Ryan: (with the distinct air of older-brotherly pride) That's my little guy!


Stephanie said...

Isn't it so much fun when they get older! I am noticing with my two already Hallie starting to play mom and Janae actually listening, well...Anyway, what fun we have with our children. This was the medicine I needed right now - to read about children. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

Sounds like my children. The olders ones feel so responsible for the younger ones! Sweet.

Krissy said...

Oh my I love it! Wow has Ryan grown up. Thanks for making me smile.

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Amanda Palmer said...

I miss your blog posts!! I'll try to call tomorrow! Love you cuz.