Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Indoors and Out

Typed down this past April. Wiping off the dust, thought I would share...

Having been myself, a child, content to be indoors
(climate controlled and comfortable was my favorite way to explore)

I could sell lemonade in a stand, and make a nice picnic outside
But the dirt? That could stay far away.

The garden and flowers could be tended by another
I would stay inside, if I had my druthers.

So it seems to me odd, a strange thing, for sure
To find myself with boys who can’t stay indoors
Before they even climb out of PJ’s
They are asking and pleading if today is the day
Could today be the one? Please mom, let it be
Could this be the day we are to be free?
Outside to roam to search and to climb
To seek ordinary treasures, to delight in the find?

They pull on chore boots to combat the mud
And a snap of coat buttons and off they run.
And I watch with delight as they go, one after the other
Small one working hard to keep up with that brother
They head out to discover, to play and delight
To hunt for robin’s nests, to see them take flight

How did this happen? Boys who love mud and bugs?
Kids who would choose grass any day over rugs?

That great yawning outdoors now draws me, too
With it’s warm sun for my back, it’s cool morning dew
It is true, that bright, crisp, clear day calls my name,
And that indoor-only girl? I hardly remember her name.

And now I get my grandpa’s love of the dirt
How he could work out of doors until sweat drenched his shirt
Long days you could find him, content with the ground
The midday rustling of trees and his spade the only sounds
I know the delight in that cool lemonade
Taken after a hard day’s work, sitting down in the shade.


Michael / Tifani said...

Beautiful! I can picture your boys pleading and running out the door to get their fingers into the dirt. So precious, and what a fun childhood they are having with all of that land to explore, and nurturing parents to encourage them.

Mom J said...

Dear Tracy, what can I say? You have captured your boys and you so very well - as M/T said, you paint a wonderful picture of yearning and delight. Your grandfather would be so happy to know you now understand his love of growing gardens, which has obviously skipped one generation (me) and settled firmly in the next (you and Krissy).
Love you all so much!

Krissy said...

Oh how I remember the many, many times mom would ask you to get the lettuce from the garden for dinner and your response would be "but I don;t know what it looks like!" and then after some discussion and arguing, I would be the one to go out into the bug filled (not really) dirty garden and retrieve the lettuce that you just couldn't find. Aah, memories.

Have you figured out what lettuce looks like yet?

Oh and by the way, this was beautiful!

Tracy said...

Krissy- I still try to pull that one on phil...but he doesn't fall for it. Now, though, I have my own charge, who will bring me handfulls of basil or oregano or maybe just a carrot plucked from the ground.
I remember that, and giggle. I love you so much Krissy! Thanks for always getting my lettuce.