Saturday, July 19, 2008

Brotherly Love

If I were to pick a recurrent event to consider my favorite of each day, it would be the moment my oldest son wakes up. David, almost a year old now, is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6am most days. His older counterpart, however, still likes a healthy 8am. Bleary and coffee-laden I spend the quiet morning hours with the One Who Cannot Yet Speak, checking email, building block towers for him to tear down, etc.

Around 8am we hear thumpthumpthumpthump and immediately David leaps/squeals/laughs and zooms toward the door of the stairs.

Ryan, who has taken his time upstairs usually comes down completely dressed in mismatched and backwards clothing (which is especially charming when the shirt has a collar), starts talking animatedly. Take this morning for instance:

"Good Moooorning!"
*insert David squeak*
"I hadda good dreeeem mom!"
"Oh really? What was your dream about?"
*insert squawk*
"Um, I dunno...YOU didn't havva good dream!"
"I didn't? Hmm. Do you remember what your dream was about?"
"A...a bible. And then I stopped dreamin'."

At this point David can hardly contain himself and starts to laugh and jump at the door. A bonafide Good Morning if ever I saw one.

Its the time of day that everyone is most rested, on their best behavior, and happy.
It lasts minutes. And I love it.

Because through the rest of the day there will be spells of screaming, grabbing, crying, laughing, biting, yelling, and scolding. And this little respite each morning reminds me why siblings are truly such a blessing. Like the ebb and flow of lifelong relationships, good times and bad times come. Long after we, their parents, are gone, God willing they will use the foundations they are building now to give each other strength to fight the good fight, encouragement through trials, and laughter reminiscing of events that only family can provide.

And maybe I am a bit more excited about it because I am lucky enough to have one such sibling. Even if she was the biter in the family. It was her, I swear.


Krissy said...

LIAR!!!!!! I was not the only biter in the family. I had to learn it from somewhere...Tracy... I was the only one who got caught!

But I totally agree with the need to have a sibling and you need to go through all the biting, screaming, slapping, (and on and on and on) and all of the good times as well to create that special bond that we now share. I just hope that one day those two wonderful boys of yours will be the best of friends like we are today.

I love you

Tifani said...

Even if the sibling rivalry and occasional attacks go on for many more years, I have no doubts they will build a great friendship in the process! It is so good that you are taking the time to write down some of these precious moments with the two of them.. you can remind them when they're older about how much they love(d) each other. :)

(Wait.. did I really just say precious moments? Ugh!)

It's so fun to watch the family dynamics change as the boys get older! They are such characters.

Anonymous said...

What a "picture of love"!!

I can just hear Ryan with his gooood mooorrnnning from the stairs. That's one of Oma's "Walton memories" of our visits back with you. . . Ryan's morning risings.

You are sooo right Tracy about siblings. I know with my 3 brothers, when the chips have been down, very often it has been them that have been the ones to steady my wobbling knees. Unfortunately, as we grow older, its easy to become obsessed with our own lives and leave in the dust the life of our past, which sadly includes family members.

Hmmmm, how long has it been since I talked to my brothers? Too long for a couple of them. . .I'd best be making some phone calls this week, thanks for the reminder of just how much we've gone thru together and how much that I do love them and always will.